All about Mobile, Web, Technology, Politics, Security, E-Commerce and Living in the Philippines.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Software Truth Commission

Shocking news, a software salesman confessed to have knowingly sold flawed products. So far the commission summed 24,393 sales professional to hearing.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Deck The Halls!

Oliver Starr of Mobile Crunch is at it again, after some intense comments on his post on Berggi, he now tackles the issue on having services being run on carrier's deck or off deck. This issue is very important as it most probably dictates the future trend of mobile.

Here is my take on the issue (as posted on

[Comment by godie — November 25, 2006 @ 6:19 am]

Ok here’s my final take on the on or off deck issue with some data from our own services (i wont be naming them).

Case 1:

Back in 2005 we launched a mobile service for a very popular social website based in the US with telco’s backing up the promotion which aims to target 5 Million users of their website.

On the First 2 hours alone we have 75K+ users registering for the service after Ads on TV appeared sponsored by the telco, the day ended up with around 100K+ users registering. On the succeeding days were hitting 100-150K+, but after 3 months the active usage drops around 7K+ per month; that’s when the telco promotion ended (off deck).

The 2nd case:

Early January 2006 we launched a Web/Mobile2.0 platform allow companies to promote their product via mobile instantly with capabilities for Infotxt (SMS/MMS), Mobile to Email, Mobile to Web, Mobile polls… all the works!; all the companies need to do is promote them (off deck). Most of the initial clients struggled at 15+K users at best, its then decided we have to put them “on deck”, by “cross-selling” (it works like google ads but via SMS) their mobile service with our existing on deck services. In 1 months alone, their service usage started to increase dramatically by 100%.

You see, being on telco’s deck (at least here in the Philippines) gives you that kind of promotion mileage: Web (via telco’s portal), SMS/MMS broadcast, print, radio, and TV — It’s unbeatable, by just being in carrier’s deck, a service here can reach 35 Million Philippine users in a week; that’s 6 times more market penetration compared to promoting it via print, radio and TV combined.

Lastly with the increasing number of scams via mobile, viruses and mobile data theft, being on carrier’s deck give users enough assurance that you are running a legitimate service especially for services that requires installed applications on users’ phone.

These data might be only true for Asia,but if anyone out there willing to share data for US and Europe then maybe we can finally figure out what’s the global trend.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Oracle gunning on RedHat's support service.

Oracle shocks Linux groups
11/21/2006 1:45:00 PM
by Howard Solomon and Shane Schick

Oracle has surprised the Linux community by announcing it will provide the same enterprise class support for the open source operating system as it gives for its database, applications and middleware.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nuclear Batteries on sale at Amazon. Save 100%!

Rather than speding millions on building power plants, why don't we buy these nuclear batteries instead? :D

My Own Mobile Service

I finally got my own Mobile Service via and it now comes with a cool widgets that you see at the right side of this page. (disclosure: I work there :D) These days, mobile technology is rapidly advancing up to the point that its almost homogenous with the Internet.

Where Web might have failed in giving us a total freedom and personal space, mobile has succeeded.

The screen shot above is from Txtdomain's web interface that allows full control in creating your own mobile service.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Philippines and Terrorism According to Japanesse Anime.

I've been watching new anime about pirates via WinampTV titled "Black Lagoon" then episodes 11-12 struck me when the story ended up in Basilan Philippines. The story goes like this, a couple of terrorist related papers has fallen to the hands of a pirate group called "Lagoon Company" after a US embassy was bombed and its their job to deliver it to a CIA agent at Basilan, Philippines. WTF?! Anyway as the story goes on and they went rampaging around, blewing up things and killing all the terrorist. Wow, now i know why they bombed Basilan! Anyway it can't be helped that other countries look at Philippines that way due to the country's history of military and civil unrest.

Enabling Microsoft Remote Desktop for Windows XP Pro SP2

Recently I have been working remotely most of the time so my usual Tight VNC wasn't good enough anymore, so I decided to fire up MS Terminal Service. I know there are a couple of dangers involved opening up my PC up for access but I guess I just need to monitor it closely from now on.

Enabling MSTS wasn't easy, primarily because with Windows SP2 has totaly disabled it without any option of having it turned back on! (shame). MS did provide a way to enable it again but it doesn't work, there's also another hack to enable it but IMHO its too barbaric, it involves loging into safe mode and replacing some critical files and hopes it work. Therefore i come up with a more elagant approach.

  1. Disable MSTS if its running. My Computer > Properties > Remote > Allow users to connect remotely to this computer (disable checkbox)

  2. Download SP1 version of termsrv.dll and save it to your Windows folder (C:\Windows).

  3. Run the regisry editor (Regedit.exe)

  4. Edit key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
    \Mup\DisableDFS and set its value to 0

  5. Edit key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
    \TerminalService\Parameters\ServiceDll and set its value to %SystemRoot%\termsrv.dll

  6. Re-enable MSTS. My Computer > Properties > Remote > Allow users to connect remotely to this computer (enable checkbox). Add up some users also that would be allowed remote access.

  7. Reboot your PC.

  8. Test your MSTS connection and make sure that the firewall is configured to allow accress via TCP/UDP port 3389

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